Music Reviews
Together is the debut CD of children's singer, songwriter, and performer Stacey Peasley. A delightful sing-along song collection of playful, lighthearted songs for little ones, Together emphasizes the bonds between parents and children, babysitters and the baby-sat, and friends who play together. Together is a top pick especially for parents, family members, and caregivers looking for a cheerful CD to lift the spirits of little ones!
Midwest Book Review
Lucky Day is the new children's music album from performer Stacey Peasley. Bright and jubilant, the chin-up-and-have-fun music is especially wonderful for helping little ones get over blues and doldrums. A wonderful choice for family car trips or fun during shut-in weather!
Midwest Book Review
Fans of Laurie Berkner are sure to enjoy Peasley’s family-friendly pop songs.Stacey’s music is joyful, playful, and inventive
Stephanie Bange
Dayton, School Library Journal
This lively, bouncy album will have youngsters clapping and singing along.
Beverly Wrigglesworth, San Antonio Public Library, TX
School Library Journal review of Lucky Day
There is a bit of Laurie Berkner in Peasley’s music as she sings catchy songs about things kids can easily relate to, like lost shoes, wearing hand-me-down and having allergies.
Michael Berick
National Parenting Product Awards Music Judge